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Messages On-hold are one of the smartest, easiest and least expensive ways to influence your target audience in real-time situations. 


The customers are already interested in your business - that's why they are calling you!


Take advantage of this situation to get the most out of your customers experience whilst waiting on hold. 

Take advantage of the time that your customers wait on-hold by advertising sales, promotions, USP's or services that your business is offering. 


This enables you to sell to your customer before you even start talking to them!


Your On-hold messages could possibly be one of your strongest sales agents.

Developing On-hold messages can turn waiting time into a productive marketing strategy that will work hard to cross-sell, up-sell and promote everything that your business has to offer. 


And the best part? Your soundtrack will only be promoting YOUR business! All the attention is on you, this is the prime opportunity to hold and retain your customers interest.



When your customers call, you have their full attention.






B:HIVE Level 2, Bldg D, 72 Taharoto Road, Smales Farm, Takapuna, Auckland.

© 2020 On-Hold Marketing. Proudly created by TelcoHQ

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